Greener Homes Initiative

greener homes

Interest free loan of up to $40,000

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Update February 12th, 2024: 

The Federal Government has announced that the Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG) program has stopped accepting new applicants as of February 12th.

If you already have an “AP” number or have pre-registered for the Greener Homes Grant you may be still eligible.  Book Now 

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The Greener Homes Grant Program can provide homeowners with $5,600 total in reimbursements. For the cost of pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations, participants may receive up to $600. For the implementation of qualified retrofits, participants may receive $5,000.

Please read all grant requirements and eligibility criteria to ensure you are qualified to receive the reimbursements.

Click HERE for Grant Eligibility 

Home Insulation (up to $5,000)

Homeowners will be able to increase their home insulation in their attic/ceiling, exterior walls, exposed floors, basement/foundation, and crawl space through the Canadian Greener Homes Grant. Investing in insulation will slow the rate of heat loss, improving home energy use, and helping you save money. We use an RSI value and an R-value to measure insulation’s resistance to heat flow. Résistance Système International (RSI) is the metric measurement while the R-value is the imperial measurement. Higher resistance values are beneficial as they mean a slower rate of heat transfer through insulating materials. Our expert energy advisors will provide you with recommendations on insulation improvements and the calculation of your incentive using these values.

You can learn more about insulation materials here.

Note: All equipment purchases must be made in Canada. Online purchases may only be eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.

Attic / Ceiling Insulation

Insulating your attic is a common starting point due to its relatively easy access for installation. An already insulated attic can still benefit from a review to increase comfort and energy efficiency.

Learn more about insulation here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Insulate at least 20% of the total area of your ceiling or attic.
  • The insulation value must be increased (R-value or RSI).
  • Add insulation in the same location (e.g., attic floor vs. attic ceiling) as the existing insulation when the pre-retrofit evaluation is undertaken.


  • The grant amounts reflect a situation where 100% of the ceiling area is one roof type. Your home may have a combination of ceiling types.
  • The total grant for any combination of attic, cathedral ceiling, and flat roof insulation cannot exceed $1,800.
  • The total amount of your reimbursement will be calculated based on the total percentage of your attic that you choose to insulate. For example, if you insulate 70% of your attic you would qualify for 70% of the amount listed below.
Select below the current level of insulation in your home at the time of the pre-evaluation:Grant amounts

(by the level of additional insulation added to your home)

If you achieve a total minimum insulation value of RSI 8.81 (R-50) for your atticIf you achieve a total minimum insulation value of RSI 4.93 (R-28) for your flat roof and/or cathedral ceilingIf you insulate your uninsulated flat roof or cathedral ceiling to increase its insulation value by a minimum of RSI 3.52 (R-20)
No insulationN/AN/A$600
RSI 2.11 (R-12) and less$1,800$600$600
Greater than RSI 2.11 (R-12) and up to RSI 4.40 (R-25)$600$250N/A
Greater than RSI 4.40 (R-25) and up to RSI 6.16 (R-35)$250N/AN/A

Exterior Wall Insulation

The walls of your house can cause 20% of total heat loss alongside cracks and access points allowing water leakage and uncontrolled air into and out of your house.

Review the following information regarding blown-in and foamed-in insulations, to help choose the best product for your situation.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Insulate a minimum of 20% of your exterior wall area. Excluding foundation walls ( grants for foundations are listed below).


  • The total amount of your reimbursement will be calculated based on the total percentage of your wall that you choose to insulate. This means if you insulate 70% of your wall area, you would qualify for 70% of the amount listed below.
  • For a semi-detached or end unit row house, you only qualify for a maximum of 75% of the listed amounts. For a middle unit row house, the maximum grant you would qualify for is 50% of the listed amounts.
  • There are no incentives available for the insulation of walls between individual units.
Minimum additional insulationGrant Amounts

(by the level of additional insulation added to your home)

Percent area that you choose to insulateAdd insulation value of R-7.5 to R-12Add insulation greater than R-12 to R-20Add insulation

> R-20 above


Exposed Floor

Open foundations and exposed floors can expose vulnerable areas such as attached garages or additions which can be insulated to improve comfort and save energy. This measure is intended to provide insulation under homes with main floors exposed to the outdoors.

Learn more about insulation exposed floors here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Insulate the entire exposed floor area (minimum area of 11 square meters or 120 square feet).
  • This can include overhangs and floors above unheated spaces (for example an unheated garage).
  • Crawlspaces are excluded. (See grants for crawlspace below)
Option:Grant amount
Minimum additional insulation, RSI 3.5 (R-20)$350

Basement / Foundation Insulation

Basements can account for about 20% of a home’s total heat loss due to air leakage through basement windows and at the top of the foundation wall.

Learn more about insulating basements and foundations here

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Insulate a minimum of 20% of the wall area of the foundation. This includes basement and crawlspace walls.


  • You can combine the grants shown below: This includes actions such as adding insulation to the basement header and wall insulation.
  • For a semi-detached or end unit row house, you only qualify for a maximum of 75% of the listed amounts. For a middle unit row house, the maximum grant you would qualify for is 50% of the listed amounts.
  • There are no incentives available for the insulation of walls between individual units.
  • When both a basement and crawlspace are present, all applicable grants are pro-rated to a maximum of $1,500 based on the total wall area and the additional insulation.
Seal and insulate at least:Grant amount
80% of your entire basement header area to increase its insulation value by a minimum of RSI 3.52 (R-20)$240
50% of your entire basement slab by a minimum of RSI 0.62 (R-3.5)$400
Minimum additional wall insulationGrant Amounts

(by the level of additional insulation added to your home)

Percent area that you choose to insulateAdd insulation value of RSI 1.76 (R-10) to RSI 3.87 (R-22)Add insulation greater than RSI 3.87 (R-22)


To heat your crawlspace, you can insulate it from the inside or outside. You can also insulate the house floor above it.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Add insulation in the crawlspace wall and header, or ceiling.
  • Insulate the entire area outlined in the Recommended Upgrade Report.
  • If you are also insulating your basement, the maximum you can receive for insulating both areas is $1500.


  • For a semi-detached or end unit row house, you only qualify for a maximum of 75% of the listed amounts. For a middle unit row house, the maximum grant you would qualify for is 50% of the listed amounts.
Grant Amounts

(by the level of additional insulation added to your home)

Add insulation value of RSI 1.76 (R-10) to RSI 3.87 (R-22)Add insulation value greater than RSI 3.87 (R-22)Add insulation value greater than RSI 4.23 (R-24)
Insulate 100% of the crawlspace’s total exterior wall area, including the header area.$1,040$1,300N/A
Insulate 100% of the crawlspace ceiling (preferably with minimum continuous insulation)N/AN/A$800

Air Sealing (up to $1,000)

Reducing air from leaving your house is the first thing our energy experts consider when it comes to a retrofit strategy to improve energy efficiency. You will be provided with a Renovation Upgrade Report (RUR) which will provide you with a target to improve the air-tightness of your home. You will be given a more favourable grant amount the lower your existing value is. An air-sealing professional is typically employed to help high levels of air-tightness.

Options:Grant Amounts
Meet the target in your RUR$550
Obtain a larger Grant:
If you reach 10% better than the target in your report (i.e. 0.9 x target value*)$810
If you reach 20% better than the target in your report (i.e. 0.8 x target value*)$1,000

*Your post-retrofit report will provide more details regarding the target value.

Windows and Doors (up to $5,000)

To upgrade the energy efficiency of your windows, you are able to choose from a variety of alternatives. You can help combat climate change, save energy, and make your home more comfortable by installing a complete new window and frame replacement with new, high-performance ENERGY STAR® certified windows or inserts.

Learn more about replacing your windows here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada.
  • Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.
  • The equipment must be on an eligible list below.
  • Until your post-retrofit evaluation has passed, maintain the ENERGY STAR labels on your windows and doors.


  • A new window unit can be inserted into the existing frame of an old window, but replacements of only the glass, sash, or door without a frame are not eligible.
  • A maximum of $250 per rough opening with a maximum of $5000.
Options:Amount ($)

Per rough opening*

Replace your windows or sliding glass doors with ENERGY STAR** certified models:

  • U-Factor of 1.22 W/m²K or less or
  • Energy Rating ≥ 34
  • Your selection must be on one the following lists: windows or sliding glass doors
Replace your windows or sliding glass doors with ENERGY STAR Most Efficient models:

  • U-Factor of 1.05 W/m²K or less or
  • Energy Rating ≥ 40
  • Your selection must be on one the following lists: windows or sliding glass doors
Replace hinged doors, with or without sidelites or transoms ENERGY STAR certified models:


*A rough opening is the structural framing in a wall or roof separating a heated from unheated space that creates an opening for the installation of a window, door or skylight. For example, a bay window with three window units installed into one rough opening is eligible for only one grant.

**ENERGY STAR certified means that the model meets or exceeds the ENERGY STAR levels. Each certified model comes with a temporary label showing that the unit is ENERGY STAR certified.

Thermostats (up to $50)

Reduce your carbon footprint and your energy bill by implementing smart or programmable thermostats. These can allow you to schedule temperatures to automatically adjust to energy-saving time-frames.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Must be combined with another retrofit measures from the Canada Greener Homes Grant.
  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada.
  • Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.

Exclusions: New heat pumps are installed with new thermostats and cannot be combined with this grant. A resiliency measure and a thermostat must be combined with another measure (in order to qualify for the grants).

Option:Grant amount
Replace a manual thermostat by a programmable or smart / adaptive thermostat$50

Heating (up to $5,000)

Space heating accounts for over 60% of the energy used in the average Canadian household due to the region’s cold climate. Cut your utility bills and carbon emissions by switching to more energy-efficient heating equipment, such as a heat pump. The cost of energy to operate a product over its lifetime is just as, if not more important than its upfront price.

Learn more about energy-efficient heating equipment here.

Search the eligible heat pump product list here;

A heat pump is an electrically driven device that extracts heat from a low-temperature place and delivers it to a higher temperature place. Relying on a heat pump to heat or cool your home year-round in a moderate climate is effective. However, a ‘cold climate’ heat pump is more effective in colder climates and reduces the need for supplemental heat sources.

Learn more about heat pumps here.

Our energy advisors can assist with the estimation of the economics of heat pumps in your area to figure out your potential savings. Heat pumps can be more expensive than other heating systems due to the internal system components. In certain situations and regions, due to energy cost savings, this cost can be recouped and significant GHGs savings can be made relatively quickly. This timeline can be extended due to varying utility rates in different regions. Speak with one of our energy advisors to figure out if a heat pump or a ‘cold climate’ heat pump is right for you.


  • Your new pump must be on one of the eligible list of products below in order to be eligible for reimbursement.
  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada.
  • Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

There are two grants available for geothermal systems (ground source heat pumps). The first is for the installation of the full system and the second is for the replacement of the heat pump unit.

To be eligible for these grants you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your ground source heat pump unit must be installed by a licensed and trained professional.
  • It is highly recommended that you ask the licensed and trained professional to sign an attestation form that the installation has been completed according to the CSA standard – ANSI/CSA/IGSHPA C448 SERIES (latest version), “Design and installation of ground source heat pump systems for commercial and residential buildings.”
  • Your new pump must be on a list of eligible products below
  • All ground source heat pump equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.
  • Performance criteria (see below)


  • When using a licensed professional it is highly recommended that you obtain proof of their license to install equipment in your province or territory
EquipmentEnergy efficiency performance criteriaGrant Amount
Install a ground Source Heat Pump – full system (geothermal system)
  • Existing system capacity must be ≤ 40kW.

Open Systems

  • Heating COPh ≥ 3.6 with 10°C entering water
  • Cooling COPc ≥ 4.75 with 15°C entering water

Closed Loop Systems

  • Heating COPh ≥ 3.1 with 0°C entering water
  • Cooling COPc ≥ 3.93 with 25°C entering water

Product eligibility list

DX systems not eligible.

Replace a ground Source Heat Pump unit – pump
  • Existing system capacity must be ≤ 40kW.

Open Systems

  • Heating COPh ≥ 3.6 with 10°C entering water
  • Cooling COPc ≥ 4.75 with 15°C entering water

Closed Loop Systems

  • Heating COPh ≥ 3.1 with 0°C entering water
  • Cooling COPc ≥ 3.93 with 25°C entering water

Product eligibility list

DX systems are not eligible.

Air and Cold Climate Heat Pumps

There are two levels of grants for air source heat pumps depending on the size of the equipment installed.

Search the eligible heat pump product list here;

Learn more about heat pumps here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • It is highly recommended that homeowners get two attestations from the contractor:
    • Form 1 – Before accepting the quote from a licensed professional it is highly recommended that you obtain proof of their license to install equipment in your province or territory
    • Form 2 – that the unit has been sized for the entire house
  • Your new pump must be on the list of eligible products
  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.
  • Performance criteria (see below)
EquipmentEnergy efficiency performance criteriaGrant Amount
Air source heat pump (ASHP)

Install a complete ENERGY STAR certified new or replacement air source heat pump (ASHP) system or a variable capacity cold climate air source heat pump (ccASHP) system, intended to service the entire home.

The newly installed system must meet the following criteria:

Note: In case of central split ducted and single package systems, if part of the ENERGY STAR certified system, the furnace or air handler must always be the specified matching unit.

Install a complete ENERGY STAR certified new or replacement air source heat pump (ASHP) system, intended to service the entire home (not available for Quebec or Nova Scotia residents)The newly installed system must meet the following criteria:

  • minimum total rated heating capacity at 8.3°C of 3.52kW (12,000 Btu/h)
  • HSPF (AHRI Climate Region Zone IV) ≥ 10
  • minimum three indoor heads for ductless units or central system
  • Your new pump must be on the list of eligible products (not available for Quebec or Nova Scotia residents)

Note: In case of central split ducted and single package systems, if part of the ENERGY STAR certified system, the furnace or air handler must always be the specified matching unit.

Cold Climate Heat Pumps (CCHP)

Install a complete ENERGY STAR certified new or replacement variable capacity cold climate air source heat pump (ccASHP) system, intended to service the entire home.

  • a new or replacement CCHP system intended to service the entire home
  • compressor must be variable capacity with three or more distinct operating speeds, or continuously variable speed
  • minimum total rated heating capacity at 8.3°C of 3.52kW (12,000 BTU/h)
  • HSPF (AHRI Climate Region Zone IV) ≥ 10
  • minimum three indoor heads for ductless or central system
  • COP of ≥ 1.8 at -15°C (5°F) (at maximum capacity operation);
  • capacity Maintenance (Max -15°C (5°F)/Rated 8.3°C (47°F)) ≥ 70%
  • Your new pump must be on the list of eligible products
  • Quebec and Nova Scotia residents: Your new pump must be on the list of eligible products

Note: For central ducted systems, if part of the cold climate heat pump listed systems, the furnace or air handler must always be the specified matching unit.


Domestic Hot Water Equipment

In the average Canadian home, water heating accounts for over 20% of energy used.

Learn more about using energy-efficient water heaters here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Must be installed by a licensed and trained professional.
  • Your new water heater must be on the list of eligible products
  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.
Option:Eligibility criteria for reimbursementGrant amount per home
Replace your domestic water heater with an ENERGY STAR certified domestic hot water heat pump (DHW-HP)Energy efficiency performance and installation

  • ENERGY STAR certification as defined at the first home evaluation (pre-retrofit)
  • Capacity ≤ 55 gal
    • EF ≥ 2.00 with FHR ≥ 50 gallons per hour or UEF ≥ 2.00 FHR ≥ 45 gallons per hour
  • Capacity > 55 gal
    • EF ≥ 2.20 FHR ≥ 50 gallons per hour or UEF ≥ 2.20 FHR ≥ 45 gallons per hour

Renewable Energy Systems (up to $5,000)

Renewable energy utilizes energy derived from natural processes that are replenished at an equal or faster rate than which they are consumed. The Canada Greener Homes Initiative allows you to receive a grant for installing solar photovoltaic technology that converts sunlight directly into electricity. Climate Resiliency Grants can make you eligible for reimbursements for a portion of the cost of installing batteries to store the solar energy you have generated.

Learn more about solar panels for homes here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada
  • Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.
  • The system must be composed of photovoltaic (PV) panel and inverter certified to CSA Standards
  • The rated PV panel must have peak power capacity higher than or equal to 1.0 kW
Option:Incentive amount
Single-family homeMURBs
Install solar panels (photovoltaic (PV) system) ≥ 1.0 kW$1,000 per kW$1000

Resiliency measures (up to $2,625)

The environmental impacts of climate change can affect your home causing fire, flooding, wind and loss of power. You can identify specific vulnerabilities to climate change based on your home’s location.

Consider adding additional retrofits to protect your home and family from environmental damages while you add other upgrades to your home.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • The resiliency measure detailed below must be combined with an energy efficiency retrofit from the Canadian Greener Homes Grants initiative
OptionIncentive amount
Batteries connected to Photovoltaic systems to provide standby power for home$1,000
Roofing Membrane – self-adhering roofing underlayment applied to entire roof$150
Foundation water-proofing$875
Moisture proofing crawl space floor, walls and headers (100%)$600

Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs)

A small MURB is a three or fewer storey building, with a building area not above 600m^2, and is not a retirement home. They must be stacked (up/down) or have a common area. Townhomes cannot be MURBS.

Read more about the full definition and eligibility here.

To be eligible for reimbursement:

  • The small MURB must adhere to the definition laid out by the Greener Homes Grant initiative
  • A single EnerGuide evaluation must be undertaken of the entire structure (or address) and not on a unit by unit basis.
  • All homeowners must be aware that an evaluation has occurred through an internal organization (e.g. by way of condo board)
  • Retrofits in a MURB must be agreed to by the person or persons able to make decisions about the renovations to the building.
  • Individual homeowners within the MURB must apply for individual grants of up to $5,000 based on the single EnerGuide evaluation undertaken for the entire structure.

Calculating incentives:

Insulation and Air Sealing

You can calculate the maximum allowable amount for building envelope measures – adding insulation and/or air sealing – in MURBs based on the number of units within the building.

The following table outlines the multiplier amount:

Number of dwelling units per MURB2–34–67–910–1213–1617+
MURB Multiplier1.

You would calculate a MURB with 9 units wanting to claim amounts for both air sealing and exposed wall insulation as follows:

(Air Sealing Maximum $1,000 x 2.0 = $2,000) + (Exposed wall insulation $350 x 2.0 = $700) = $2,700


  • Only one homeowner may claim reimbursements for building envelope measures. This may not be split between two homeowners.
  • If one homeowner in a MURB only claims a portion of the measure, the remainder cannot be claimed by another homeowner.

Windows and Doors

Windows and doors grants are calculated on a rough opening* basis. MURBs receive the same allocated grant amount as homes. MURBs can install as many windows and/or doors up to a total of $5,000 per homeowner and a maximum of $20,000 per MURB.

*A rough opening is the structural framing in a wall or roof separating a heated from unheated space that creates an opening for the installation of a window, door or skylight. For example, a bay window with three window units installed into one rough opening is eligible for only one grant.

Heating and Cooling

Small MURBs do not qualify for measures related to heat pumps or domestic water heaters.

Thermostats will not qualify for the multiplier for MURBs.

Renewables and Resiliency

Small MURBs can apply the multiplier for the installation of a photovoltaic (PV) system (max $5,000) and for resiliency measures.

greener homes

Greener Homes Application Procedure:

For a step by step application procedure click on the click below:
Greener Homes Application Procedure

Who is Eligible?

Eligible homeowners in Canada can participate in the initiative, regardless of where they live. Only one homeowner per house may register.

You will be required to:

  • Provide proof of ownership with your property tax bill number (you can find this number on your municipal property documents)
  • Demonstrate the property is your primary residence through a drivers license, government-issued ID (with address), or utility bill

The following groups are also eligible to participate*:

  • Indigenous governments or organizations (e.g., band councils, land claim organizations)
  • Housing management bodies and other representative or Indigenous service delivery organizations with formal partnerships with Indigenous governments or organizations

*Note: These applicants may be eligible to register multiple homes, including homes that are not the owner’s primary residence. The home registered must be occupied by an Indigenous household and owned by the applicant.

Eligible Property Types

  • Single and semi-detached houses
  • Row housing
  • Townhomes/houses
  • All-season cottages
  • Mobile homes on a permanent foundation
  • Permanently-moored floating homes
  • Mixed-use buildings (residential portion only)*
  • Small multi-unit residential building (three storeys or less with a footprint of 600m2 or less)

*Commercial multi-residential units (over 3 storeys or over 600 m2 in footprint) are not eligible under the initiative.

Requirements for the Greener Homes initiative

You are required to:

  • Have a Registered Energy Advisor complete a pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Energy Evaluation of your house.
  • Complete at least one retrofit that is both eligible and recommended in the report from your energy advisor. You will only be reimbursed if you conduct at least one retrofit.
  • Provide and keep copies of all of your documents until March 31, 2028.
  • All products must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases will only be eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor located in Canada.

What is Eligible for Reimbursement?

Once retrofits are completed, you can apply for reimbursement for the following:

  • Up to $5,000 total for the implementation of eligible retrofits done after December 1, 2020.
  • Up to $600 for the cost of your pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations. You must continue through the full Canada Greener Homes Grant process to receive reimbursement for the pre- & post-retrofit evaluations.


  • EnerGuide evaluations completed before December 1, 2020, are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • All mechanical and electrical systems must be installed by a licensed and trained professional (this excludes thermostats).

Documents to Provide:

To verify your eligible retrofits, you must have the following documentation ready to be properly reimbursed:

  • Receipts for your pre-and post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Energy Evaluation
  • All receipts and invoices for products purchased and for their installation

It is also highly recommended that you have an attestation form (if applicable for your retrofit) that confirms the following:

  • Installation of an electrical or mechanical system has been completed by a trained and licensed professional*
  • A geothermal system was installed in accordance with CSA standards
  • A heat pump has been sized to your entire home

*Note: When using a licensed professional, it is highly recommended that you obtain proof of their license to install equipment in your province or territory.

Your energy advisor will upload your before and after photos for you.

Important: You must keep copies of all documents until March 31, 2028. Please note that the federal grants are not taxable and do not have to be declared as income.

Steps to Get Started:

1. Reserve a pre-retrofit Home Energy Evaluation.

Before the retrofit begins, participants in the Greener Homes Initiatives must obtain an EnerGuide Home Energy Evaluation, performed by a Natural Resources Canada Registered Energy Advisor before being eligible for reimbursement.If the home you are applying for is in the Vancouver, Whistler, and Vancouver Island areas, contact us to reserve a time for your pre-retrofit evaluation with Capital Home Energy.
Contact Us for a Home Energy Evaluation.

2. Register with Natural Resources Canada to confirm your Greener Homes Initiative eligibility

You can register with Natural Resources Canada either by phone or using the Greener Homes Initiative web portal. To register by phone call: 1-833-674-8282 (TTY: 1 800-465-7735)Please provide your following information while registering:

    • Name
    • Phone number
    • Email
    • Type of house
    • Address of your primary residence
    • Proof of ownership with your property tax bill number (this number can be found on your municipal property documents)
    • Proof of residence through either a drivers license or government-issued ID (with address), or utility bill

3. Select Capital Home Energy as your Service Organization

During registration select Capital Home Energy as your Service Organization.

Natural Resources Canada will send us confirmation of your eligibility. We will then confirm your pre-retrofit Home Energy Evaluation reservation made in step 1.

4. Plan, document, and complete your home retrofits

Once our Energy Advisor provides you with the EnerGuide Home Energy Report in the portal, you may review the recommendations for your home retrofits and decide which retrofits work best for your budget and renovation plans.

You will need to complete at least one retrofit that is both eligible and recommended by your Energy Advisor. Your Renovations Upgrade Report and the online portal will contain your home’s recommendations.

5. Book your post-retrofit evaluation and apply for reimbursement

The reimbursement process can begin once you have completed your home retrofits. To be reimbursed, you need to book your post-retrofit evaluation with Capital Home Energy and submit all your required documents online or by mail.

Once your evaluation is complete, you can see how much more energy-efficient your home has become through a new EnerGuide label and a post-evaluation report.

6. Receive your reimbursement

You will need to confirm your grant total in the Greener Homes online portal before Natural Resources Canada finalizes your reimbursement. This is the final step before you receive your cheque.

Add Capital To Your Home.

Our team is dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of homes, through building science and energy efficiency! Before your project begins we will help you decide what is best for your home.