
Newsletter | November Industry News

By November 29, 2024No Comments




City Of Vancouver home page

Council Motion Update

This summer, the City of Vancouver Council passed a motion permitting the use of natural gas for heating and hot water in new construction again. As of November 1, 2024, the city sent out an update, confirming that the city is still working on the details.

  • Until further notice, there is no change to our current requirements on the City of Vancouver’s website and in the Energy Checklists.
  • If any changes are passed by Council to existing energy requirements, they will potentially be incorporated in the next Vancouver Building Bylaw updates in early to mid-2025

The city staff reported back to council this Tuesday, presenting two compliance paths for builders. For small buildings:

  • Compliance Path 1: Top Level Zero Carbon Step Code (EL-4) – no gas heating systems
  • Compliance Path 2: Top Level Energy Step Code (Step Code 5)

For more information on the latest news on the council motion, please click HERE.

Net Zero Program Update – Energy Monitor

As of November 1, 2024, the installation of energy monitoring systems requirements for CHBA Net Zero/ Net Zero Ready homes is removed. Builders and homeowners are still encouraged to voluntarily install energy monitoring device in their homes.

For more information about this change, visit the Program Requirements webpage HERE

2025 High Density Checklist Updates

Based on the input received from industry, code changes, and new technologies, Built Green has updated their High Density checklist.

Click HERE for more info.

We can help you with your Built Green high density projects. Contact us to get started.

Collaborating for Net Zero: Transform Existing Homes

The CHBA is working with Local Energy Advisors, Renovators and numerous groups in the high-performance renovation industry to help make Net Zero renovations more attainable by providing Financial support.   Up to $5,500 available …..plus more funds are available for supportive tasks, such as F280-12 room by room heating and cooling loads.

The program is currently looking for projects in the Nanaimo Central Vancouver Island region.   However, if you have a project in mind  in another jurisdiction, please contact us as there may still be an opportunity to join the program.

Click HERE for more info

New Home Rebate Program –  Step 4 & Step 5

FortisBC has updated their New Home Rebate Program to support builders and developers in reaching Step 4 and Step 5 of the BC Energy Step Code. The program offers rebates to help offset the costs associated with meeting these advanced steps.

Step 4: $15,000/home
Step 5: $20,000/home

Contact us, we can help you achieve these funds.

Click HERE for more info

Make a Difference This Winter – Donate to Coats for Kids! 

Help keep kids warm this winter! We’re collecting coats, hats, mittens & gloves, scarves, and toys for children of all ages. Your generosity can brighten a child’s holiday season and bring warmth to their winter.

📍 Drop-Off Location:
#102, 2000 W 12th Avenue, Vancouver

🕒 When to Donate:
Stop by during office hours 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, Mon-Fri – every contribution counts!

Together, we can spread warmth, joy, and hope to families in need. Let’s make this holiday season special for everyone!


CHBA: Building Science for New Homes

This course provides an overview of building science issues and sound business practices. This course is a pre-requisite to become a certified Net Zero, R-2000 or ENERGY STAR builder, and is suggested for participating in the EnerGuide for New Homes and Built Green programs.

2025 Upcoming Dates:

January 9 & 10

Instructor: Luke Dolan (Capital Home Energy)
Location: Online



Get up to date on our top air tightness results for

GD Nielsen Homes
3373 ft² – West Vancouver
MID: 0.23 ACH

2134 ft² – Pemberton


4499 ft²  – Comox
MID: 0.65 ACH


The lowest ACH score wins a Capital Home Energy mug!
(ACH = Air changes per hour)


Air Permeance

The degree to which a material allows air to flow through it.


Please remember to book your mid construction and final blower door tests at least two weeks in advance!
Friendly reminder to anyone needing to book their blower door tests. Please give us a call or email us at [email protected] two weeks in advance to ensure we can have you on the schedule. This will ensure a quicker turnaround time for your reports!We recommend contacting us for your mid-construction test when insulation has started.

Any Questions? 

For information on the BC Energy Step Code, EnerGuide ratings, Blower Door Airtightness tests, Thermal Imaging, BuiltGreen, Net Zero Homes contact Hannah at [email protected]

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Capital Home Energy · 102-2000 West 12th Ave · Vancouver, BC V6J2G2 · Canada

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