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Greener Homes Grant Update

By February 7, 2024June 26th, 2024No Comments

“NRCan just held a townhall meeting with all service organizations across Canada. Here is the update with regards to the Greener Homes grant:

  • The program will be fully subscribed within the next two weeks. Greener Homes will stop accepting new applications within the next two weeks, with co-delivery provinces such Ontario stopping all D assessments as of end of today.
  • 509,000 + applications received.
  • $700 M + in grants issued to date.
  • Average grant of $4,242.
  • Homeowners who have already registered but have not yet completed or booked their pre-retrofit assessment will be able to proceed, as long as they have registered.
  • ERS (EnerGuide Rating System assessments) will still be required for homeowners with retrofits still underway to complete their grant journey.
  • More than 300k homeowners have yet to complete their retrofits.
  • NRCan will prioritize homeowners who are serious about completing retrofits, i.e. where they can see progress with their applications.
  • If a homeowner’s application has been closed due to inactivity but they wish to continue, ask them to contact us immediately. If they email the Greener Homes customer support email, they will have to wait up to 40 days for a response, by which time it is too late.
  • Homeowners at the ‘registration completed’ stage but whose applications have not moved to the “eligibility confirmed” stage are also protected.
  • The Greener Homes Loan will remain in operation is not affected by the Greener Homes Grant closure.  EnerGuide evaluations will still be required  for the loan, however, there will be no rebate available towards the cost of the energy assessment.
  • Canada Green Buildings Strategy will be released this spring”

If you, or anyone you know are thinking of signing up to the program, now is the time!

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